A study conducted at the Health Research & Studies Centre looked to find if Astaxanthin had any impact on people suffering from Tennis Elbow. They found the Grip Strength measurement of those subjects supplementing Astaxanthin was significantly greater than those on the placebo. The study concluded daily supplementation of Astaxanthin may help alleviate pain associated with Tennis Elbow and increase mobility. With the ability to reduce inflammation, Astaxanthin has been theorized to help elevated the symptoms of Tennis Elbow. Many studies have been conducted on astaxanthin has shown positive results with arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome, while this study conducted at the Health Research and studies centre looked for astaxanthins effect on those suffering with Tennis Elbow. Using standard multidimensional health assessment questionnaires including grip strength measurements and pain assessment the study assessed men and women 40 to 60 years old. Over a period of 8 weeks, 42 subjects were used in a double-blind, placebo controlled study, supplemented with astaxanthin. Participants were asked to squeeze a cuff until they first felt increased pain in their elbow. Once the participant indicated that they felt increased pain, the pressure reading at that time was recorded as their GSM (grip strength measurement) The study revealed a large significant increase in average grip strength for those people taking astaxanthin which may suggest daily use of astaxanthin can alleviate pain associated with Tennis Elbow and increase mobility.
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